“But this is my fault.” #Excerpt ~ RETURN OF THE ITALIAN TYCOON (The Vineyard of Calentti) by Jennifer Faye… #books #romance #SummerReads #readers #amreading

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Promoted…to wife? 

Tough tycoon Angelo Amatucci must return to the Tuscan village of his childhood. With a lot of work to do, he brings his dedicated assistant Kayla Hill with him.

As beautiful Kayla falls for the village’s charms, she also discovers a new, very attractive side to Angelo—working with him to secure a wedding contract is blissful torture! Especially as Kayla begins to wonder what it would be like to be Mrs. Amatucci…

The Vineyards of Calanetti 

Saying “I do” under the Tuscan sun…

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Kayla gripped the armrest tightly.

The line of cypress trees was no more than a blur as Angelo accelerated away from the vineyard. He didn’t say a word as they zigzagged through the valley before starting their ascent up a hillside. The vegetation was so green and lush that she couldn’t imagine there was a village, much less a five-star hotel, within miles of here.

“I need to apologize.” Angelo’s voice broke the awkward silence. “I didn’t mean to have you witness our family drama.”

“It’s okay. I know how families can be.” She couldn’t help but want to know more about him and his family. “Your parents, do they live around here?”

He shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road. “They left the vineyard to us kids and moved to Milan. It was best for everyone.”

Kayla wasn’t sure what to say to that. Obviously there wasn’t a close relationship between him and his parents. Did she even want to know why? It’d just move them further from boss and employee and into a new relationship—one that she didn’t want to examine too closely.

Angelo downshifted for a curve. “I know that you come from a close-knit family, so it’d be hard for you to understand a family that functions better apart than together.”

Kayla was surprised that he kept talking about his private life when she hadn’t even asked him anything. It was as if these thoughts were pent up inside him, and he needed to get them out if he was to have any peace.

She searched frantically for words of comfort. “Every family is different. Not better. Not worse. Just different.”

“But this is my fault.” His palm smacked the steering wheel. “I shouldn’t have left for New York to go to college. I should have found a way to stay here. Marianna was so young when I left, and my parents—well, they were so consumed with each other that they didn’t have time to worry about anyone else.”

“I’m sure they did their best.”

He shook his head. “You don’t know my parents. They are the most passionate people I know. And not in a good way. One minute they love each other and the next they are getting divorced. That’s the end. They never want to see each other again. To say our childhoods were unstable is putting it mildly.”

Kayla struggled to keep her mouth from gaping open. Her parents were the most mild-mannered couple. Their voices were rarely raised to each other, and they still gazed lovingly at each other like a couple of starstruck teenagers. Kayla knew they wanted her to experience the same sort of love and happiness. That’s why she didn’t hold it against them for trying to guide her life. It’s just that she was different. There was so much more to life than love, marriage and babies. And she wanted to experience all of it.